Help Prepare America for Flu Season

Influenza, also known as the flu, is a potentially deadly infectious disease that could strike anyone, especially those in high-risk categories.

The flu is a serious respiratory illness that kills an average of 36,000 Americans and puts about 226,000 in the hospital each year. Combined with pneumonia, the flu is the nation’s 7th leading cause of death.

Health officials recommend that young children, children with asthma, people with heart, lung and kidney conditions, and anyone over the age of 50 receive an influenza vaccination each and every year. These high-risk groups are more likely to have complications from flu that can lead to pneumonia, hospitalizations and even death.

Do you know someone in these high-risk groups? The flu vaccine minimizes the dangerous consequences of influenza and pneumonia. With adequate supply of the flu vaccine, the people in your life will be better prepared for this year's flu season. Moreover, should a potential flu pandemic strike this US this year or in the future, we will be better able to respond and save lives.

Sign the petition and tell Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt to set aside resources for the influenza vaccine before the flu season starts!
Dear Mr. Leavitt,

I am joining the thousands of concerned citizens across the country to call on leadership to ensure America is prepared for the flu season.

Preparing for the flu season includes:

* Ensuring adequate supply of the flu vaccine especially for people who are most at risk;

* Funding for influenza outbreaks;

* Immediate steps of outbreak tracking, stockpiling medical supplies, and developing emergency communication plans;

* Intermediate steps of stockpiling additional antivirals and developing surge capacity plans for hospitals and health care providers; and

* Longer range steps to increase vaccine production and the development of new technologies for vaccines.

Help protect the American people from the deadly effects of flu and pneumonia.

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