Save Endangered Right Whales From Extinction

The North Atlantic right whale, spotted swimming through New England waters right now, is one of our ocean's most iconic marine species – but it's also one of the most endangered species in the world.

With fewer than 350 North Atlantic right whales left on Earth, we need to do everything we can to protect this iconic New England species. Scientists have determined that we cannot afford to lose even a single whale in the fight for this endangered species' continued existence.

But don't be fooled: Big Oil is pretending to care about the plight of right whales by using them as a wedge to stop offshore wind farms crucial to fighting climate change from being built in the ocean. This is a distraction, peddled by an industry desperate to avoid change and protect their bottom line. The biggest threats to right whales' survival are getting hit by speeding boats and becoming entangled in fishing ropes.

Your voice can make a difference in right whales' survival: Write to your members of Congress using the form below and ask them to support action to intervene and save right whales from extinction.
Dear Representative and Senator,

As my representatives in Congress, I am asking that you do everything you can to ensure the gravely endangered North Atlantic right whale does not go extinct.

North Atlantic right whales are feeding and rearing their calves in New England's ocean waters each year, but there are fewer than 350 of them left on Earth.

I worry that without proactive steps to help them make a comeback, North Atlantic right whales will face extinction within our lifetime.

I believe that swift action from Congress and federal regulators can help protect right whales from preventable deaths caused by collisions with boats and ships and entanglements in fishing gear in our ocean.

Will you commit to fighting for right whales on my behalf?

Thank you for everything that you do,

[your name]
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