Stop the Thrill-Killing of Alaska's Wildlife

Trump's launched a violent and gruesome attack on Alaska's wildlife. Catering to the Safari Club, he's proposing to let trophy hunters slaughter Alaska's wildlife and turn public lands like Denali National Park and Preserve into killing fields.
The extreme tactics that would become available to trophy hunters under Trump's proposal are sickening.
If his plan is approved it would be legal in Alaska to brutally kill wolf and their pups where they sleep. Bears and their cubs would be baited out into the open with junk food and then gunned down.
It isn't the first time Trump's dealt a death blow to Alaska's bears and wolves. One of his first acts as president was stripping protections for these creatures on Alaska's wildlife refuges. Now he wants to do the same thing on national preserves, expanding the reach of trophy hunters in Alaska.
We have 60 days to stop this rule from being put on the books.
This is the time to act. Alaska's wolves and bears are counting on you.
Sign the Center for Biological Diversity's petition to stop the slaughter of Alaska wildlife being hunted for their heads and skins.
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