Don't Cut Funding for Meals on Wheels!

For years, every fourth Thursday of the month was my Meals on Wheels day. My route, which I covered with a close friend, was in the neighborhood where I used to live and very near to where I live now.

Each month, I delivered meals to the same "clients" who seemed to recognize me at each visit. But it's not just about providing people with food; I often had a short chat with them as I set up their meal. And I looked around to make sure everything was OK with them and their immediate surroundings. For those in need or desiring some human touch, I ended my visit with a "see you later" hug.

It wasn't much for me to do, but the Meals on Wheels delivery was the highlight of the day for many of the people I visited. The food was critical for allowing them to stay at home, where they feel safe and comfortable. The human contact was critical for those who don't have family nearby to check on them.

Meals on Wheels was an easy way for me to give back to my community, but every fourth Thursday it was also the highlight of my day.

Please sign this petition to tell Congress not to cut funding for Meals on Wheels!

Opdater #27 år siden
I am going to Washington, DC this Thursday to meet with members of Congress, deliver the petition, and demand that they don't cut funding for Meals on Wheels. The more signatures we get on the petition before Thursday, the stronger our voice will be. So please share it and encourage your friends to sign now.
Opdater #17 år siden
Thank you for signing the petition to save funding for Meals on Wheels! Now find out what else you can do to help #SaveLunch by going to
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