Stop all future herbicide applications at Ring Mountain, sacred Miwok land in Marin, California.

  • af: Bev Jo
  • mottagare: Marin County Parks and Open Spaces
We won to save sacred Ring Mountain!  I cannot believe we did this in 3 days, thanks to the wonderful people of Marin and elsewhere who want to keep poisons like glyphosate from further polluting our environment and precious parks and open spaces. Now we have to show the Marin County Board of Directors and others how concerned we are, because there is tremendous pressure on them by those advocating herbiciding at Ring Mountain and elsewhere.

With the influence of Monsanto and the nativists who want all non-natives killed (except themselves and their own yards), Ring Mountain is still at risk. Herbiciding is increasing dramatically in parks across the Bay Area.

Now, those who were going to poison Ring Mountain are asking for volunteers to hand-remove the targeted grasses (who are no danger to the rare Calochortus Tiburonensis that grows only on serpentine rock where the grasses can't live.)  This is very difficult work and will not be effective against the annual grasses who re-seed themselves (and which are re-seeded from nearby homes and yards). So this can look like proof that glyphsate is needed. But the poisoning of Ring Mountain will not work either, for the same reasons. All that is needed is to do basic trail maintenance with weed-whacking to make the trails safe from ticks. The grasses will die back as they do each summer anyway. Another option is very careful use of goats fenced in well below the endangered species area.

So please spread the word to keep stopping the glyphosate spraying of this pristine land with rare petroglyphs and the endangered lily, Calochortus Tiburonensis, who lives nowhere else on earth.

Here is the rest of my previous information:

The annual grasses they are targeting will come right back, and then the land and creeks are permanently poisoned. The grasses will soon die back anyway. Meanwhile, animals will die and other plants.

There is increasing herbicide spraying in the Bay Area for no rational reason. Marin County previously has been one of the least toxic. We question how much Monsanto will get for this.

No mention is made of the cancer and birth defects, etc. that the glyphosate/Roundup will cause.

Here is the letter I sent them:

Today, May 23, we went to Ring Mountain and were horrified to see the Marin County Parks signs about toxic glyphosate about to be sprayed there on Wednesday, May 27. There were no signs when we were there four days ago, and only one day is left that is a business day, so it's looking like they planned to do this with almost no warning and no way to protest or stop this toxic herbicide from destroying the plants, going into the creeks, killing the animals, etc.

There is none of the posted information on their website.

Ring Mountain Preserv is where the rare lily Calochortus Tiburonensis lives and is nowhere else on earth. It is just beginning to bloom and each plant has buds. Even if those poisoning this rare, small preserve are careful, they are likely to kill some of these lilies, not to mention the other six rare species there. My experience with seeing the "work" done with "managing" parks is that it would be no surprise if every one of these rare plants is killed.

In fact, we are wondering if this is the ultimate plan, in order to re-open this land to development that was stopped in 1984 in order to protect the Calochortus Tiburonensis. Houses are still being built on the edge of the Preserve and the land there must be worth a fortune.

From reading the sign, it seems that hand methods of removing the non-native grass didn't work, so this year they will start spraying Glyphosate, which is now recognized as a carcinogen (not to mention probably cause of birth defects, chronic illness, etc.) Those who say Glyphosate is safe have never seen a California Newt dying a horrible death after crawling through a sprayed area.

Anyone who knows about attempts to remove non-native annual grasses knows it does not work, whatever the method used. Even if it did, there is no excuse to poison more parks and public lands, or to support Monsanto.

Not one person me met on the trail today at Ring Mountain was aware of the plan to spray Glyphosate and all were horrified. What is happening when people have no way to protest public land being so harmed, and future exposure to toxins?

Again, the Tiburon Mariposa lily is just beginning to bloom. People will want to go see it and then be exposed to poison. And will any be left when they are finished.

I'm not sure who else to contact to try to stop this beautiful preserve from being poisoned.

Bev Jo

Opdater #39 år siden
We won to save sacred Ring Mountain! I cannot believe we did this in 3 days, thanks to the wonderful people of Marin and elsewhere who want to keep poisons like glyphosate from further polluting our environment and precious parks and open spaces. But it's not finished....

Opdater #29 år siden
Temporary VICTORY! We stopped the spraying for today, but we still need you to spread the word.
Please call/write:
(415) 473-7331

The media is saying they must spray to protect the rare lily, but it grows on Serpentine, where grass is no threat. They say it's "spot spraying," but I've seen the map. It's extensive.

THE SPRAYING WILL NOT WORK -- the grasses are annual, and houses with grass surround the preserve. Only Monsanto will benefit, and future developers.

Opdater #19 år siden
For those not in Marin, this is who to write to and call to stop the scheduled desecration and poisoning of Ring Mountain by TOMORROW, which is the Marin County Board of Supervisors.

(415) 473-7331

They seem to be concerned.


I'll find more info out soon by those organizers.

I cannot believe there is such hope so quickly.
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