Under a plan promoted by Kalb and Schaaf, the City of Oakland and its partners will spread and spray

  • af: Jamie Brown
  • mottagare: Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, Oakland City Council Members: Dan Kalb & Abel Guillen, and East Bay Regional Park District General Manager Robert Doyle
Starting in August, over 100,000 trees and as many as 400,000 in the East Bay hills will be clear cut and thousands of gallons of toxic chemicals made by Monsanto and Dow will be dumped on their stumps. Costing nearly $6 million, this plan will radically transform the character and appearance of the hills while causing great animal suffering, including the decimation of habitat vital to several endangered species. The environment in which they live eliminated, these animals and multitudes of others will be displaced or forced to live in toxic waste dumps filled with chemicals that will poison them and their food and water supply. Human residents, visitors and their pets in the region will likewise be exposed to hazardous chemicals, while the idyllic setting upon which the property values of Oakland homeowners depend will be seriously degraded.
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