Stop Fox Penning in Virginia

Fox Penning is a cruel blood-sport that is allowed in Virginia, along with 19 other states. Virginia is one of the states with the best animal welfare legislation yet, foxes in Virginia suffer everyday especially during hunting season from repeated acts of cruelty.

Foxes are captured and traded across state lines to be thrown in a 100 acre pen with no way to escape while they are chased, hunted down, and ripped apart by hounds.

We ask Virginia to ban this barbarically cruel blood-sport.

Governor of Virginia

Bob McDonnell

P.O. Box 1475
Richmond, Virginia 23218

Street address:
Office of the Governor
Patrick Henry Building, 3rd Floor
1111 East Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Phone: 804 786-2211
Fax: (804) 371-6351 

E-mail Governor McDonnell

Fox Penning is a cruel blood-sport that is allowed in Virginia, along with 19 other states. Virginia is one of the states with the best animal welfare legislation yet, foxes in Virginia suffer everyday especially during hunting season from repeated acts of cruelty.

Foxes are captured and traded across state lines to be thrown in a 100 acre pen with no way to escape while they are chased, hunted down, and ripped apart by hounds.

We ask Virginia to ban this barbarically cruel blood-sport.

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