We have a right to Verifiable Elections / DEMOCRACY

  • af: Jacalyn Engler, http://vvlobbydays.blogspot.com
  • mottagare: Thomas Wilkey, US Election Assistance Commisison, United States Election Assistance Commission; Thomas Wilkey, US Election Assistance Commisison, United States Election Assistance Commission
Election FRAUD is bu**sh**!Our democracy should COUNT! In order to restore democracy to our United States of America we need to ensure our right to VERIFIABLE elections, and making every eligible citizen's vote COUNT

Our�recent national elections have been tainted and likely stolen by massive amounts of fraudulent activities. http://vvlobbydays.blogspot.com

We have a right to verifiable elections�via an official�paper record. Please read about congressional bill HR 550� http://www.rushholt.com/petition.html�for more information, and http://www.icountcoalition.org/?tr=y&auid=1458428� for more important actions.

The out dated and unfair electoral college also works against our democracy and should be�eliminated.� We each have a right to OUR one equal vote per eligible citizen period.

"Thanks to the Electoral College system ...the big haul of California's electoral votes is crucial for Democrats to offset the multitude of small, sparsely populated states that reliably vote Republican....
California Secretary of State Bruce McPherson (decided) to override the objections of his own experts and certify the eminently hackable voting machines of the politically partisan firm, Diebold, for use throughout the state means, quite simply, that the fix is in for 2008." http://context.themoscowtimes.com/story/166395/

Our democracy should count!

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