In This Texas Home, Dozens of Cats Were Found Dead and Locked in Carriers. More Animal Bodies Lined the Floors, Some Reduced to Just Bone.

In a town just outside of Houston, Texas, Kaylee Humburger was looking for her missing cat, Cheesecake. Kaylee had given Cheesecake over to a neighbor to pet sit for a short period of time. But three days after she was supposed to get her beloved cat back, Kaylee started to worry. She and a friend went to the neighbor's property to try and get Cheesecake back themselves.

Heartbreakingly, the neighbor claimed that the cat was gone…and then let the two women onto the property, where they saw things that broke their hearts over and over again.

The home was filled with approximately 50 dead animals -- mostly cats, all locked in their carriers. This woman had let dozens of cats pass away slowly while trapped, scared, hungry, and suffering all alone.

Sign the petition for justice!

Other dead animals on the property included a raccoon, cows, horses, and a dog. According to reports, there was only a single animal confirmed to have survived -- a blind draft horse that was "suffering from neglect amidst the carnage."

Leaders of local rescues and neighborhood reporters described the scene in nightmarish ways. When entering the property, they said they stepped on carcass after carcass, some just bones that crunched under their feet. They passed rows of kennels, dead animals and empty cans of food inside. They described witnesses crying. It must have been incredibly traumatic.

Now, of course, the homeowner is facing criminal charges related to animal cruelty -- but apparently, she has been under investigation before for animal-related crimes! How was she able to obtain and kill this many animals when authorities were aware of her past?

Clearly, something must be done immediately to protect future animals. Not only does she need to be legally held accountable; there is an obvious need for this woman to get restorative, transformative help. Authorities must mandate mental health counseling and close monitoring for this individual, for the safety of the animals and people around her, and for her own safety.

Please help us raise awareness and stop horrors like this from happening again. Sign the petition and demand mandatory mental health counseling for the owner of this home turned animal graveyard!
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