Save Our Solar

Our Aussie rooftop solar savings are under serious threat.

Nuclear reactors are not economically viable for Australia, unless they are run 24/7 which would lead to a forced 'solar switch-off' for the 1 in 3 Aussie homes with rooftop solar.

A solar switch-off is as bad as it sounds - it means curtailing rooftop solar power during daylight hours, ending your ability to export solar energy and stopping you from using cheap, clean solar energy from your rooftop.

Australia leads the world in rooftop solar uptake, and right now, four million households are saving an average of $1300 a year on their energy bills. But these savings are at risk if solar is forced to be switched off to make room for expensive, unnecessary nuclear energy.

It's time to act! Sign and share this petition to help protect Australia's solar future:

We are calling for our federal representatives to stand up for rooftop solar owners, and defend our rights against the threat of nuclear reactors. We are demanding that all members of parliament take action to protect our rights to generate, use and export our rooftop solar energy, now and into the future.
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