Demand Justice for Egyptian Woman Victim of Police Brutality

You probably remember the hopeful protests in Egypt during the Arab Spring and you may even remember the terrible scene of a woman being beaten by police. That woman's name is Azza Hilal Ahmad Suleiman and this is what happened to her.

In December 2011, as Azza was leaving a sit-in near Cairo's Tahrir Square, she saw soldiers brutally beating and exposing a young woman. Azza and other protesters tried to protect her, but then the soldiers knocked Azza to the ground, and beat her unconscious. And they kept on beating her.

Activists captured the attack on Azza on video and posted it online. Egyptians were outraged at the video, and protested against the attack.

And yet, the authorities have not held any member of the armed forces to account for attacking Azza nor have they given her any assistance to help her recover from her injuries which include a skull fracture and memory loss.

Demand justice for the human rights abuse endured by Azza Suleiman.
Dear General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi,

I call for justice for Azza Hilal Ahmad Suleiman.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

Egyptian soldiers beat Azza Hilal Ahmad Suleiman when they violently dispersed protests in Cairo on 17 December 2011. They beat her so badly they fractured her skull and left her with memory problems.

Please initiate an independent and impartial investigation into the soldiers' attack on Azza Hilal Ahmad Suleiman. Ensure that those who attacked her are brought to justice in trials conducted fairly.

I also call on you to provide full reparation for Azza Hilal Ahmad Suleiman, including compensation, for the human rights abuse she endured.

Please use the resources of your position to end the use of excessive force, torture and ill-treatment against protesters. I urge the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to co-operate with the Public Prosecution's investigations into actions by army forces.
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