This Corporation Poisoned the World with RoundUp Weedkiller. Now It's Written Legislation for Congress to Escape Accountability.

Glyphosate is a toxic chemical used in the now-infamous weedkiller RoundUp, created by Monsanto and its parent corporation, Bayer. It's become an extremely controversial chemical, largely because of the hundreds of thousands of people who have come forward to share their experiences of developing cancer after being exposed to RoundUp.

Now, Bayer wants to protect itself from having to pay people who were poisoned by RoundUp. Not only has it intensified its lobbying efforts with U.S. lawmakers - but now it's outright written a piece of legislation for the U.S. Congress. This legislation would insulate Bayer from future lawsuits connecting RoundUp to cancer. That would be great for the corporation, but terrible for justice and for the American people.

This is a clear conflict of interest, and deeply corrupt. No corporation should be allowed to write laws for Congress, and certainly not laws that protect themselves from justice! Sign the petition to demand that Congress rejects this heinous, frightening bill and to instead ban glyphosate!

The World Health Organization's division that focuses on cancer research determined that glyphosate is very likely carcinogenic - in other words, a cancer-causing toxin. The accounts of sickness after exposure to RoundUp and its active toxin, glyphosate, are so damning that many countries have restricted or even outright banned its use. This includes Vietnam, Mexico, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Costa Rica, and more.

In the U.S. alone, Bayer has calculated that it has faced approximately 170,000 claims of RoundUp-related cancer diagnoses, and that's exclusively from agricultural workers alone. But the U.S. has still not banned glyphosate yet, because lobbying efforts by parent company Bayer have been extremely effective.

Weedkillers like RoundUp are not only horrendous for our bodies, but they're also found everywhere. Research has discovered traces of it lingering on the foods we buy in the supermarket, including everyday products like cereals and oats, in our water supplies, in our bodies, and even in human sperm.

Yet Monsanto and its parent company Bayer want full freedom to continue poisoning all of us and infecting our food and water - with full immunity.

We cannot let Monsanto write legislation for Congress, and we certainly cannot let it inoculate itself from being held accountable for its own dangerous, toxic chemicals! Sign the petition to ban glyphosate!
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