Demand Lakeville Minnesota council not to ban farm fox sanctuaries, especially the sanctuary legally owned and run by Mikayla Rainer. Animal abuse includes caging a wild animal, killing a wild animal, skinning it and thus creating a great lack of balance

    My concern is that if there are animal rights policies, animal police, animal shelters, clear laws against animal cruelty, in what way do the members of the Lakeville city council can explain not allowing a fox sanctuary in the city - foxes treated in an utmost horrific cruelty for the sake of FUR! Skinning an animal alive is Abuse therefore punishable by Law. Caging an animal is Abuse therefore punishable by law! Why? Because the law doesn't offer protection to dogs only or cats only.
    Most of Europeans choose faux FUR, many such factories are closing down. People want justice fairness a cruelty free world for us and our children.
    Miss Mikayla Rainer merely saves the pups from being senselessly killed...and all those "rejected" foxes.
    We strongly demand her sanctuary never to be banned again, her sanctuary to be supported and a ban on caging and skinning foxes alive for their FUR! Soon enough there will be no such thing anymore. Europe is completing its task in this respect, we want an end to Cruelty now! Animal abuse law refers to all animals! A kill is a Kill.
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