Municipality of Kos must finally accept its responsibilities to animals/Δημο Κω: Nα αναλάβει τις ευθύνες του για τις ακατάλληλες συνθήκες διαβίωσης των ζώων!

Προς Δημο Κω: Nα αναλάβει τιε ευθύνες του για τις ακατάλληλες συνθήκες διαβίωσης των ζώων στο νησί της Κω!

The indifference and/or poor practices of many Greek municipalities have long been stumbling blocks in the management of stray, domestic and livestock animals. Resulting in more animal cruelty today.

This has to change. We want the municipality of Kos Island to put its legal responsibility into practice (acting either alone or in cooperation with other municipalities, associations or individuals) and implement a comprehensive animal stray, domestic and livestock management program that contains:
1. Trapping (carried out by trained crews using appropriate equipment);
2. Sterilisation and treatment;
3. Microchipping and electronic registration;
4. The provision of the necessary veterinary services 
5. The establishment and operation of shelters (operating under new  rules of transparency and public access);
6. Adoption (through a panhellenic platform in collaboration with  animal welfare groups/organisations);
7. Cremation, through the operation of incinerators.

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