International trade for valuable shark fins has driven fishermen to catch approximately 73 million sharks per year - and now threatens many shark species with extinction. Too often, fishermen slice off the valuable shark fins and discard the bodies at sea in an unnecessary and wasteful practice called shark finning. Without the fins attached to the sharks, it is extremely difficult to determine whether sharks are being caught legally.
Unfortunately, removing shark fins at sea continues to be a problem in North Carolina and nationally because of several loopholes in existing U.S. fisheries laws. One shark species, smooth dogfish, continues to be caught in the waters off of North Carolina, and gaps in the existing laws allow the shark fins to be sliced off at sea. We need your help to end this needless and wasteful practice.
Introduced by Senator John Kerry (D-MA), the Shark Conservation Act would ban removal of shark fins at sea, close other loopholes in the current U.S. shark finning law and promote the conservation of sharks internationally.
We need a strong statement from North Carolina that shark finning is unacceptable, the current law needs improvement, and conservation of sharks must be a national conservation priority.
Please tell Senator Burr and Senator Hagan to support the Shark Conservation Act (S. 850) and to reject any proposals that allow shark finning.
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