Tell McDonald's: Fix Working Conditions at European Stores Now!

Tell McDonald's: Fix Working Conditions at European Stores Now!

I'm speaking out against McDonald's for exploiting workers and stretching the law to the breaking point across the Europe. Join me and tell McDonald's to put an end to their most egregious abuses:

  •        In the UK, end zero-hour contracts that weaken worker rights. These contracts are supposed to make it easier for workers to supplement their income… instead, they make it harder for workers to qualify for student loans, mortgages and even phone contracts.
  •        In Belgium, stop exploiting loopholes in the law around part-time hiring – loopholes that let McDonald's sidestep complaints about working conditions and keep workers in precarious jobs.
  •        In France, end resistance to workers forming works councils. Stop bending the rules in order to make it near impossible for workers to choose trade union representatives.

McDonald's makes billions in profits worldwide each year – and NO worker deserves to be exploited just so a hugely profitable company can make yet more money.

On 11/ 29, McDonald’s workers from Belgium, UK and France will be speaking to the European Parliament about serious problems with McDonalds' business model in Europe.

Tell McDonald's: Stop exploiting your workers in Europe and start treating them with dignity and respect.

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