Demand Congress Invest in Frontline Health Workers for a Healthier World

Frontline health workers are the backbone of strong, healthy societies. They are our first line of defense when we face illness, tirelessly caring for us, administering vital treatments, and offering a comforting hand during difficult times.

Yet, many of these essential, lifesaving workers are women who are unpaid, underpaid, or under-supported.

Global health – including preparing for and preventing the next pandemic – depends upon smart investments in female health workers. The Global Frontline Health Worker Resolution in the U.S. Congress will help ensure frontline health workers are fairly paid, respected, protected, and trained for a healthier world.

Urge U.S. leaders to invest in frontline health workers today by passing the Global Frontline Health Worker Resolution.

Dear U.S. House of Representatives,

I am a supporter of CARE, and I am urging you to stand for frontline health workers globally by cosponsoring the Global Health Worker Resolution in this Congress.  

Frontline health workers are the linchpin of health systems. They include nurses, doctors, midwives, community health workers, pharmacists and others who provide health services in patient-facing roles, either within or outside of health facilities. Most of these workers are women, but, unfortunately, most of them are unpaid, underpaid, and under-supported.

Even before COVID-19, investments in health systems – and especially in female health workers – were too low. In 2019, there were about 18 million fewer health workers than needed around the world. After more than three years and millions of deaths over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, communities' health needs and this gap in workers has likely only increased. With all health workers do for us, we must do more to support them. Global health – including preparing for and preventing the next pandemic, as well as responding to everyday health challenges – depends upon smart investments in female health workers.

The Global Frontline Health Worker Resolution, H. Res. 389, acknowledges the essential contributions of frontline health workers for recovering progress and expanding gains in global health, saving the lives of millions of people around the world, and strengthening the United States national security and global economic prosperity. Passing this resolution is an important step towards showing our support for this critical workforce.

In a global landscape facing increasing conflict and uncertainty, now is not the time to abandon the people who do the most to make our societies healthier. I urge you to help create stronger communities around the world by supporting funding for health workers and cosponsoring the Global Frontline Health Worker Resolution.

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