Two years into conflict, Ukraine needs demining support now more than ever

It's been two years since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and since then, there have already been over 1,000 civilian casualties from landmines and other explosives in areas previously controlled by Russian forces.

While deminers have already cleared over 3 million square meters of land from explosives, Ukraine is still facing the biggest explosive problem of the 21st century. Every step forward in clearing mines brings us closer to a safer future for the people of Ukraine.

Take action now and tell your members of Congress to support demining in Ukraine. Let them know that this work is not just about clearing land - it's about clearing the way for a safer future.

It takes less than a minute to make an impact that will protect Ukrainians for years to come. Please sign today.
Subject: Support immediate demining aid to Ukraine

Dear Representative/Senator,

As your constituent, I am urging you to protect American security interests by supporting funding for critical demining and unexploded ordnance removal programs in Ukraine through supplemental and regular funding.

With over one third of Ukraine covered in deadly explosives, landmines and other explosive remnants of war threaten global security by inhibiting economic development and jeopardizing food security. Lethal hazards lay waiting along roads and near homes of those returning to liberated areas and keep enormous swathes of farmland out of use – preventing Ukrainians from returning to their livelihoods and stifling economic activity.

The United States must continue stand with Ukraine, ensuring its recovery. And after two years of conflict, it is more critical than ever that we protect American and global security by prioritizing humanitarian demining.

I am calling on you to support demining efforts in Ukraine. Please ensure:

1. The immediate passage of supplemental aid to Ukraine, including $100m for demining and related programs. The supplemental MUST include humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.

2. $290m for the Conventional Weapons Destructions (CWD) account in the FY25 budget, with an additional $100m specifically for Ukraine demining activities.

Thank you for your considering this important request and I hope I can count on your leadership in the coming months to ensure Ukrainians can rebuild their lives.

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