One woman or girl is killed every other day on average in Canada. Support Domestic Violence Recovery Programs today.

According to the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability, one woman or girl is killed every other day, on average, somewhere in Canada. And about once a week, a woman is killed by her male partner in Canada. In our province of Quebec, 14 women have been murdered in the last twelve months. 

Welcome Hall Mission provides a range of programs and services to transform the lives of Montrealers struggling with poverty, hunger, homelessness, and domestic violence. When Abigail* requested our assistance, she was concerned for the safety and well-being of her son who grew increasingly anxious and fearful of his father. It became clear that she had suffered many years of abuse, and was concerned that if she sought help her husband would find out. She feared the consequences of 'betraying' him, as he told Abigail that her residency in Canada was conditional upon her obedience to him. Her husband took a mistress, spending days away from his family, and when questioned about his behaviour, immediately threatened to have her deported.

Welcome Hall Mission provided referrals to assist Abigail in moving forward with divorce proceedings and a permanent residency application, obtaining a social worker, employment in her field of expertise, and counselling for her and her son. 

Experts agree that women face the most serious risk of attack when they announce they're leaving a partner or do leave, and the risk persists for a full year after leaving. We need your support to ensure women like Abigail and their children have the resources they need to safely escape and start a new life. 

Add your name today to stand with Canadians who are suffering in silence from intimate partner violence, and learn how you can support Welcome Hall Mission's programs services. 

*name has been changed to protect the indivdiual's privacy

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