Lower Legal Drinking Age
Look past egar teens wanting to lower the drinking age just because they would be able to do it legally and get in trouble with the law.
Aside from teens being able to buy there own alcohol, i see it as a much bigger picture. If your able to enlist in the military and can die for your country, why are you not able to drink alcohol or gamble. Your old enough to gamble with your life, but not old enough to gamble with your money? Canada has a lower drinking age than the U.S and theres not an increase in teen dui or alcohol related problems. I dont really think there is a point in havint the drinking age being 21. The U.S has the highest drinking age in the world. Some people say there are medical reasons to why you shouldnt drink or have the choice to drink till your 21. There are also medical reasons why you shouldnt smoke before 18. Yet you have that choice at 18. If you agree on some of the points i carry by many, please feel free and spread the word on this petition. By all means gather the names on the petition and send them to your Senator. Skriv underSkriv underSe flere underskriftsindsamlinger: