Tell Idaho: Rein In Those Traps
In recent years, following the loss of federal protections for gray wolves in the northern Rockies and a great rise in the price of bobcat hides, the state of Idaho has issued an increasing number of trapping licenses.
This has been bad news for Canada lynx -- which look very similar to bobcats. Three of the state's estimated 100 lynx have been caught in traps since 2012, one of which was mistaken for a bobcat and killed. And while other states have already passed measures to keep this from happening, Idaho's wildlife agencies have turned a blind eye to the problem.
It's also likely that many more lynx are being trapped -- as well as other imperiled species like wolverines and fisher cats -- but due to flaws in the existing rules, these trappings aren't reported.
Take action -- tell the Idaho Fish and Game Commission to rein in its trapping program to protect rare and threatened wildlife.
I am writing to ask that you implement a few common-sense measures to protect Canada lynx and other imperiled species from traps set in Idaho.
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Lynx gained protection under the Endangered Species Act in 2000, but trapping continues to threaten the existence of these rare and beautiful wild cats. Their numbers in Idaho are very low, and losing just a few could further fragment their population and hurt their chances at long-term survival.
We can't let this happen. Since 2011, following the loss of federal protections for gray wolves in the northern Rockies and a great rise in the price of bobcat hides, Idaho has issued an increasing number of trapping licenses. As a result, lynx -- as well as bobcats, fishers and martens -- are caught up in the state's war on wolves and a market greedy for wild fur.
I ask of you a few specific things: that you ban the deadliest and most indiscriminate traps and snares in places where lynx, wolverines and fishers roam; that you demand frequent trap checks so animals don't suffer for days on end; and that you set limits on the trapping season to protect young animals.
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