Sign our petition to send a message to our state legislators in Olympia. We need long-term solutions to ending homelessness in our communities.

The 2023 Washington state legislative session is on! For the next few months, our legislative champions from King County/Seattle will be fighting on behalf of us to deliver more state support for preventing homelessness and building more affordable homes.

Sign our petition to send a message to our legislators in Olympia: we need to continue to make long-term investments aimed to prevent homelessness and create affordable housing.

Washington has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the country. If we are to reverse this trend, we need long-term solutions – not short term fixes. Washingtonians have already made their voices heard: their top concerns are affordable housing and homelessness.
We Are In is proud to be a partner with the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance and the Housing Development Consortium, and to participate for a second year in the House Washington coalition. Last year, the state made historic investments in funds for affordable housing and homelessness services, and this year we can't slow down.

With these partners, we are advocating for investments like $400 million for the state Housing Trust Fund, and more funds for homelessness prevention, including rental assistance.

Sign our petition to let our legislators from Seattle/King County know that we support continuing to make historic investments to prevent homelessness and build more affordable homes!
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