Give Them a Long, Healthy Life: Pledge to Always Desex Your Cats

Cat homelessness is a worldwide crisis that results in millions of healthy companion animals being euthanised in shelters. Whether you're a cat owner, rescuing or fostering kittens, or find an abandoned litter that needs help, choosing to desex cats in your care results in fewer kittens born without a home and facing an uncertain future.
Moreover, there are numerous medical and behavioral benefits to desexing your cats:
- Desexing female felines helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumors in 91 percent of cats. If you desex your cat as a kitten, before her first heat, she will be best protected from these diseases.
- Desexing your male cat prevents testicular cancer and some prostate problems.
- It reduces your cats' risk of contracting FIV as desexed cats are less likely to roam and encounter unfriendly FIV-positive strays.
There are also numerous benefits for you, the owner:
- Your desexed female pet won't go into heat. That means when it's breeding season, your cat won't try to attract a mate with incessant yowling and urinating all over the house, and she won't be constantly rubbing up against you.
- Undesexed male cats are more likely to mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine.
- Desexed cats are less aggressive towards other cats and more affectionate towards humans.
- It's a cost savings! Think about it — it's a lot cheaper to have a cat desexed than it is to care for a new litter.
- Less likely to roam, undesexed cats are less likely to end up injured or dead as a result of a run in with a car, dog or unfriendly stray.
- You get to enjoy a happier, healthier, and more loving relationship with your feline companion!
Take the first step towards a better life for your cat by signing the pledge today. Then talk to your veterinarian to determine the best time to desex your pet. Skriv underSkriv underSe flere underskriftsindsamlinger: