Tell Congress to Keep Politics Out of Wolf Recovery!

While we're certain of congressional efforts to delist wolves in Wyoming and across the Great Lakes, it could be only a matter of time before legislation is introduced or amended to delist almost all gray wolves in the Lower 48 and bar protections for other critically imperiled species.

Thanks to the ESA, we have seen the recovery of some of America's most beloved species, including the bald eagle, our national symbol — it is one of the greatest wildlife conservation achievements of our time.

Politically delisting gray wolves will only open the floodgates to an endless series of other congressional proposals to delist endangered species. And it could be the beginning of the end of the ESA itself!

Tell your member of Congress to keep politics out of wolf recovery!
Oppose congressional delisting of wolves!

Dear Senator/Representative,

I am writing to ask you to oppose any attempt by Congress to legislatively delist the gray wolf in the Great Lakes and Wyoming or anywhere else in the Lower 48.

These delisting proposals are not just about wolves Congress should not be inserting itself into what should be science-based decisions.

Such a delisting sets a terrible precedent and leaves the Endangered Species Act (ESA) vulnerable to an endless succession of congressional delisting attacks. We must not allow further "death by a thousand cuts" erosion of this immensely popular, bedrock environmental law.

[Your comments here]

I urge you to oppose all efforts to undermine the ESA by congressional action to delist protected species.

[Your name]
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