Tell the Democratic National Commitee to Add the Environment to the Party's Official Issues Agenda
- mottagare: Howard Dean, Chairman, Democratic National Committee
The DNC currently does not include the environment among the Party's official agenda issues listed on their web site. As a Democrat and an enviromentalist, I feel this is a huge mistake that needs to be corrected immediately. If you agree, please sign this petition to the DNC Chairman, Howard Dean asking him to correct this.
The DNC does not currently include the environment among the Party's
official agenda issues listed on their web site. As a Democrat and an environmentalist, I feel this is a huge mistake that needs to be corrected immediately. It sends the wrong message at a time when environmental concerns are greater than ever.
If you too feel that this is a mistake, please take moment to sign this petition to the DNC Chairman, Howard Dean. Lets get the goal of a healthy environment back in the Democratic Party message where it belongs for 2006, 2008 and beyond. Thank you for your help!
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