Let Eva the bear live with dignity

  • af: Janet Edwards
  • mottagare: Andres Lima, Mayor of Salto, Uruguay

An animal sanctuary in Colorado is willing to take this poor animal who has lived for 19 years in a tiny cage.
Activists have been demanding that the mayor allow the bear to go but he is refusing. Your support might give Eva a chance at a better life.

Opdater #58 år siden

This is Eva's life for the last 19 years.


Yet more support for letting Eva leave.

The politician Cecilia Eguiluz does not feel that the Mayor's idea to improve the living conditions of Eva are practical or will actually be carried out.

Opdater #48 år siden
Animales Sin Hogar visited the Zoos in Salto and Paysandu to express their views of keeping wild animals in such a manner. Hopefully all this publicity is reminding the public that wild animals are not on earth for our entertainment.

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