A savage man killing and torturing a fox for eating his mom's chicken!

  • af: Coder
  • mottagare: Supreme court of Saudi Arabia

Hello there

(UPDATE#2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MWXo3Ha-wY

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UolIeFMSGlM (you probably cannot comment on this link. So If you like to post a comment on the video to express your opinion, use the first link "UPDATE#2." Thanks)

I honestly do not know this savage thing/person, but what he did in the video above is disgusting and completely unacceptable! Even if he had to shoot a wild animal to protect his family or property, he definitely DOES NOT have the right to torture a helpless animal before totally killing it! It seems to me from the video that the fox was still a life but that savage and ignorant thing continued to slam it on the ground and pull its tactile/facial hairs!! 

What a shameful and disgusting behavior! This savage thing should be taken to jail!


 NOTE: all the fox did is eating his mom's chicken!!!

UPDATE#1: Please make sure you share this petetion with all of your friends and families over socail networks (facebook, twitter, G+ ...) Thanks.

Photo's source: http://thefoxwood.tumblr.com/post/32454534599/thelupusprincess-fox-vs-nugget via thelupinprincess

Opdater #110 år siden
We're still short of about 700 voters. So I would appreciate it if you guys try to share it with your friends and families over social networks or emails so our efforts won't be in vain. When we at least get a thousand signature, I would try my best to take it to some of the main media outlets in Saudi Arabia. But We need a good number to give it a value. I appreciate your efforts to make a difference.
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