The last blog posted by current (as of the creation of this petition) Newton Daily News Editor Bob Eschliman, was speaking in regards to Christian believers and defenders of the faith and not to those outside the Christian community. It was also his personal opinion on his personal blog written during his personal time and in no way detracted from his job performance as editor of the Newton Daily News.
As a signer of this petition you are stating that should Bob Eschliman be fired over this issue you as a signer will discontinue any subscription you have to the Newton Daily News or any Shaw Media owned business. If you own a business signees will discontinue advertising in the NDN or any Shaw Media owned business.
On the flip side should Bob be retained as editor of the Newton Daily News signers shall purchase a subscription to the Newton Daily News and/or any other Shaw Media business and as a business increase advertising with the NDN and/or any other Shaw Media business