Please sign and share this petition in an effort to demand a thorough investigation and charges against a police officer who shot a dog in a van for no apparent reason. He claims that the "Pitbull" charged at him so he fired. However, this regrettable tragedy was against a black Lab named Arfee who was mistaken by the officer as a pit bull! There are too many unanswered questions and needs to be fully investigated with the officer held accountable so as to gain justice for Arfee and his owner.
An Idaho police officer shot a black Labrador named Arfee who was in a van at the time. Arfee was sitting in the driver's seat of the van when the officer approached; mistook the dog for a Pitbull and fired. Craig Jones was visiting the lakeside town with his pal, 2-year old Arfee.
The officer approached the white van that appeared to be suspicious when looking for a child abductor inside. Instead, Arfee was barking from the front seat, spooking the officer who assumed it was a Pitbull and fired. When the owner, Mr. Jones, returned to his van, after eating at a nearby restaurant, he found Arfee missing, his windshield shot out and a note saying "Please contact city police watch commander regarding your dog."
The police department will not release the name of the officer who killed this precious pet for no apparent reason. He was taken off the streets and put on desk duty until the investigation is complete. There has been criticism from the area due to this tragedy and the restaurant owner in peril since he called police with a description of Mr. Jones van, even though he did nothing wrong. However, his pet paid the price.
This officer handled many more demanding situations; murders, bombings and more but he could not be more diligent and safe involving a dog that was safely inside its own van, guarding his domain while waiting for the return of his owner. The officer was in no danger in such a situation; the dog could not get out. But because he thought it was a barking, growling Pitbull, he shot and killed the dog!
There does not seem to be any viable reason for shooting this dog! Subsequently, the officer should be held accountable for his actionswith; relieve him of his duties! This is certainly no one I would want protecting my family, and pets are family!! Please sign and share this petition in an effort to demand a thorough investigation and charges against a police officer who shot a dog in a van for no apparent reason. He claims that the "Pitbull" charged at him so he fired. However, this regrettable tragedy was against a black Lab named Arfee who was mistaken by the officer as a pit bull! There are too many unanswered questions and needs to be fully investigated with the officer held accountable so as to gain justice for Arfee and his owner.
Coeur D'alene, Idaho Police Department - You said that this officer who shot an innocent dog handled many other more critical situations but he could not more safely handle a dog locked in its van. This regrettable tragedy did not have to happen and the officer went and shot the animal when it could not cause any harm within the vehicle. This was someone's young, beloved family pet that was destroyed in error. The officer needs to be fully investigated in this situation to determine if the officer had any real reason to feel threatened that he would shoot a harmless, innocent dog within in a locked vehicle. This officer needs to be held accountable for his actions; relieve him of his duties. Such a person should be protecting family members and pets are family!!! Officers need to serve and protect, not kill people's pet because they feel like it! This dog did not have to die! Because he thought it was a Pitbull is not an excuse! Whether it was or not, the dog could not lung at the officer through the car window. This animal was killed without cause and the officer needs to be punished. Such a person is more of a threat than protection to his community.
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