Demand Leniency For Man Fined Because He Rescued A Whale From Fishing Nets.

  • af: Eric Rardin
  • mottagare: Paul de Jersey, Governor of Queensland, Australia

How could saving the life of such a majestic creature be considered a crime?

Add your name right now and help get that ridiculous fined wiped away.

"An Australian man who acted on his own to free a whale caught in sea nets says he's been fined by authorities for performing the rescue.

"The trapped whale was spotted in waters off the Gold Coast on Tuesday, prompting calls to officials.

"However, as hours passed without a response, the man launched his own rescue - driving his boat out, swimming over to the whale and untangling it.

"Upon his return to shore, he was fined by officials he told Australian media.

"It's unclear what exactly the fine was for, but Queensland state has penalties for tampering with council property, as well as moving too close to whales," reported Yahoo News.

This man is a hero.

Not a criminal.

That's why we're asking the Honorable Paul de Jersey, Governor of Queensland, Australia, to make note of this case and take action within his government to have the fine levied against this man waived.

Don't you want to support a real hero who stuck his own neck out to save the life of a beautiful whale that was trapped in a fishing net?

Then add your name to ask the Governor of Queensland, Australia to take action to have the fine waived and his record cleared of the "crime"!

Opdater #14 år siden
The Brisbane Times reports that "The diver who untangled a baby humpback whale from Gold Coast shark nets on Tuesday will not be fined for going within the 20-metre exclusion zone around all shark-control-program equipment.

The Department of Agriculture and Fisheries has handed the man, known only as "Django", two infringement notices, but he will not receive monetary fines because he has a clean record.

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