Nurses Demand Respect in BHU

    We the undersigned nursing staff of BHU, are writing to formally express our lack of confidence in the leadership and management abilities of Dennis Smith. This petition reflects the collective concerns of the nursing staff regarding the ongoing issues that have negatively impacted our work environment, patient care, and team dynamics.

    1. Poor Communication: There has been a consistent breakdown in communication regarding policies, procedures, and changes that affect our daily operations due to the lack of staff meetings. This has led to confusion and frustration among the nursing staff, and errosion of trust.

    2. Lack of Support: Many staff members feel unsupported in their roles, lacking the necessary resources and assistance to provide optimal patient care.

    3. Sick Call Rates: The unit has experienced an alarming rate of sick calls due to burnout, which we believe is a direct result of ineffective management/ lack of support, and and a toxic work environment.

    4. Inadequate Conflict Resolution: Issues among staff members and between staff and management have not been addressed adequately, contributing to a hostile work environment.

    5. Neglect of Staff Well-being: There has been insufficient attention paid to the well-being and morale of the nursing staff, leading to burnout and decreased job satisfaction.

    6. Failure to Foster a Collaborative Environment: The nurse manager has not promoted a culture of teamwork and collaboration, resulting in a divided staff that is less effective in patient care.

    We believe that these issues, among others, have created an untenable working environment that jeopardizes both staff well-being and patient safety. Therefore, we are requesting a formal no confidence vote regarding Dennis Smith's ability to lead our unit effectively.
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