To ban the Mexican annual tradition Koots Kaal Pato

  • af: Marta Maroni
  • mottagare: The Mayor of Yucatan city of Citilcum,Mexico

Every year the people of Yucatan gather in the city and kill innocents animals,filling colorful paper-mache figures with live animals. For the most part that means iguanas, but the game's most sought-after stuffing is an endangered marsupial called an opossum: they trow them in the air and bit them until they are death..if they survive the tear them apart on bare hands until they died.
This horrific tradition must be banned now, it is an animal massacre and needs to stop now.

We demand an immedate banning of the annual Animal massacre which takes place in Yucatan city of Citilcum during the Kots Kaal Pato,Mexico.It is not a tradition based on Love and compassion but is an unnecessary massacre of Innocents animals witch are killed alive with the most barbaric way.It is time to change this particular "tradition" and give a better example of a tradition based on life ,love and respect for animals for the old and new generation.No one should have the right to kill animanls just for the sake of sport or entarteimnet ,expescially when there is nothing to learn from an action of killing barabricly an alive creature.This must stop now.

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