Would you feed your dog a food which contains THIRTEEN E numbers?
Now, it's the law that dog food manufacturers have to state on their packaging for any bags over 10kg EVERY ingredient. They used to be able to say "EEC permitted colorants and preservatives". Now, here's the list in full:
BHA, E320
BHT, E321
Propyl Gallate, E310
Citric Acid, E330
Potassium Sorbate, E202
Propan -1,2-diol, E490
Iron Oxide, E172
Indigo Carmine, E132
Tartrazine, E102
Sunset Yellow, E110
Quinoline Yellow, E104
Titanium Dioxide, E171
Carbon Black, E153
In more detail:
E320 - has been found to be tumour-producing when fed to rats. In human studies it has been linked with urticaria, angioedema and asthma
E321 - banned for use in food in Japan, Romania, Sweden, and Australia. The US has barred it from being used in infant foods. So bad McNasty's have voluntarily eliminated it from their products.
E310 - Banned from children's foods in the US because it is thought to cause the blood disorder methemoglobinemia
E172 - Banned in Germany
E132 - Can cause skin sensitivity, a rash similar to nettle rash, itching, nausea, high blood pressure and breathing problems. One of the colours that the Hyperactive Children's Support Group recommends be eliminated from the diet of children.
Prohibited in Norway.
E102 - TARTRAZINE - A trial on 76 children diagnosed as hyperactive, showed that tartrazine provoked abnormal behaviour patterns in 79% of them
E110 - Sunset Yellow (E110) has been found to damage kidneys and adrenals when fed to laboratory rats. It has also been found to be carcinogenic when fed to animals
E104 - One of the colours that the Hyperactive Children's Support Group recommends be eliminated from the diet of children. Banned in Australia, Japan, Norway and the United States.
E171 - Banned in Germany
E153 - Banned as a food additive in the United States of America. Suspected as a carcinogenic agent.
And which food contains all these?
Bakers Complete.
Please tell everyone you know with a dog to STOP feeding them this food. As you would imagine, it causes hyperactivity - this is often misdiagnosed as a 'behavioural' problem, and I know of dogs who have been PUT TO SLEEP by owners who have assumed they have a 'bad dog'.
It's disgusting that in these days where we are all very aware of additives and colorants causing bad behaviour in kids, these same colorants are being fed to animals causing the exact same symptoms.
The only difference is that people don't have their kids put down - sadly, dogs don't get the benefit of the doubt, and the opportunity of a proper diet.
Would you feed your dog a food which contains THIRTEEN E numbers?
Now, it's the law that dog food manufacturers have to state on their packaging for any bags over 10kg EVERY ingredient. They used to be able to say "EEC permitted colorants and preservatives". Now, here's the list in full:
BHA, E320
BHT, E321
Propyl Gallate, E310
Citric Acid, E330
Potassium Sorbate, E202
Propan -1,2-diol, E490
Iron Oxide, E172
Indigo Carmine, E132
Tartrazine, E102
Sunset Yellow, E110
Quinoline Yellow, E104
Titanium Dioxide, E171
Carbon Black, E153
In more detail:
E320 - has been found to be tumour-producing when fed to rats. In human studies it has been linked with urticaria, angioedema and asthma
E321 - banned for use in food in Japan, Romania, Sweden, and Australia. The US has barred it from being used in infant foods. So bad McNasty's have voluntarily eliminated it from their products.
E310 - Banned from children's foods in the US because it is thought to cause the blood disorder methemoglobinemia
E172 - Banned in Germany
E132 - Can cause skin sensitivity, a rash similar to nettle rash, itching, nausea, high blood pressure and breathing problems. One of the colours that the Hyperactive Children's Support Group recommends be eliminated from the diet of children.
Prohibited in Norway.
E102 - TARTRAZINE - A trial on 76 children diagnosed as hyperactive, showed that tartrazine provoked abnormal behaviour patterns in 79% of them
E110 - Sunset Yellow (E110) has been found to damage kidneys and adrenals when fed to laboratory rats. It has also been found to be carcinogenic when fed to animals
E104 - One of the colours that the Hyperactive Children's Support Group recommends be eliminated from the diet of children. Banned in Australia, Japan, Norway and the United States.
E171 - Banned in Germany
E153 - Banned as a food additive in the United States of America. Suspected as a carcinogenic agent.
And which food contains all these?
Bakers Complete.
Please tell everyone you know with a dog to STOP feeding them this food. As you would imagine, it causes hyperactivity - this is often misdiagnosed as a 'behavioural' problem, and I know of dogs who have been PUT TO SLEEP by owners who have assumed they have a 'bad dog'.
It's disgusting that in these days where we are all very aware of additives and colorants causing bad behaviour in kids, these same colorants are being fed to animals causing the exact same symptoms.
The only difference is that people don't have their kids put down - sadly, dogs don't get the benefit of the doubt, and the opportunity of a proper diet.
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