Who cares if our kids and there friends are dying! Why or who would help!
My eldest son,now 38 has always fought addiction. i have seen so many close calls of loosing my son,still fighting with it to this day. My 2nd son fought hard for a very long time, then on his own to go to a rehabe up in ky. THE Iasaha house . Thank god everday for this wonderful helping place. he went for a full year , grauated. Now hes a youth minister at his church. I have a23 year old daoughter never been married has or had 4 kids and all she is doing and its getting worse everyday is giving up on life and everything in it. She needs a casys law in this state to help our kids, OUR KIDS People . If we love them lets HELP them..I have had to help there friends over and over. We as humans an parents need this more than what we know.
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