Alex Tyler must resign or be remove as speaker of the Liberian House of representative

  • af: Abel Cheayan
  • mottagare: Speaker Alex Tyler and the Liberian house of representatives
Speaker Alex Tyler must resign or be remove as speaker of the Liberian House of representatives for betraying Liberians instead of working in the interest of the people he represents as speaker. He has persistently been involved with conspiracy, corruptions, receiving bribes and facilitating the ratification of unlawful concessions that potentially risks the future of Liberia. This brings no benefit to people lives in the country.
Representing does not means you must rule us!
We stand in rain, if not hot sun during elections to vote the President, members of the Senate and Districts representatives to create balance in government. Members of the house of representatives- represent the people by districts- and they should work as servants not rulers who do without the people’s will.
-The speaker of the house is selected by his colleagues to lead the House. Thus made him a very powerful leader in the country. Unfortunately, Speaker Tyler instead of working in the interest of people he represents- he prefers paving the way to allows foreign concession companies exploit the natural resources of Liberia.
This is not his first time. Not long ago he was fully linked to the mystery surrounding the death Atty. Michael Allison the Liberian lawyer who blew the whistle in the controversial US25,000 involving him House Speaker Alex Tyler and Representative Adolph Lawrence. Every Liberian knows how NOCAL leadership approved by the president pocket money for the exploitation of Liberia natural resources. Speaker Tayler is one of the brain behind that.
-Once again, on the 25th August 2010 Alex Tyler received $75,000 of over US$950,000 bribes paid by “Sable and Senator Varney Sherman in order to change Liberia’s laws and get their hands on one of its most prized assets, the Wologizi Concession,” reported by Global Witness.
This man is not helping Liberia approach the future all Liberians hope for. He must resign now or face removal to send a message to other elected leaders now and in the future.
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