As the world prepare for UN #WorldWildlifeDay, on 3 March.
We the citizens republic of Kenya , members of civil society, religious bodies, International Communities, Wildlife Champions, Game Warders, Scouts Movement, Human and Environmental Right Defenders, tourists based in Kenya under the East Africa Climate Change Network and Baraza La Taifa Platform.
Primarily concerned by the reports that in the past 2 Months over 11 Giraffes have been electrocuted by illegally established electric poles/masts within Nakuru County-Soysambu Conservancy Area.
Shocking that Kenya Wildlife Service through a press statement dated 21st February 2021 casually seem to acknowledge 2 giraffes electrocution, without explaining how such electric power cables were rerouted inside a conservancy and other parks countrywide some along animal migratory paths, the 3 dead giraffes indicates vilest disfigured carcasses where the nearby communities claim over 11 giraffes have befallen such fate.
That the purported Kenya Wildlife Service claims on number of giraffes totals 28,850. detailed breakdown of the same claim, indicates 12,717 Masai Giraffes, 15,524 are reticulated giraffes and 609 Rothschild giraffes.
That the RESOLUTION WCC-2012-RES-41,by Kenya Government to International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN Red Lists of threatened species, which indicated some species and ecosystems being lost and the protected areas being degraded, similar to Soysambu Conservancy.
We therefore DEMAND:-
1. We demand immediate resignation, sacking or firing the Kenya Wildlife Service- Director General-Brig. (Rtd) John Waweru, theKWS Board of Directors, Board of Trustees, members Kenya Office CITES Management Authority and Kenya Office CITES Scientific Authority,Director, Kenya Power & Lightning Co. Ltd. KENGEN, KETRACO.
2. Urgently request a detailed report from the the secretariat of Convention on biological diversity the measure government of Kenya is undertaking towards protection of wild animals focusing especially grassland and herbivorous in Kenya, given the ongoing locust invasion to their habitat and countermeasures of government initiative on chemical aerial spraying.
3. We demand within 21 Days the Director of Public Prosecution to launch a criminal proceeding against all the parties involved through Wildlife related offences.
4. We demand for status of shared natural resources and benefits accrued from tourism towards local indigenous communities especially communities residing within protected areas, that is Maasai, Samburus, Redille,Borana,Mijikenda,Turkana and Teso community.
5. We demand rerouting of the power lines and cables from all protected areas updated assessments, audit and status of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) surveys of Kenya Parks, Games Reserves, Conservancies, National Museum, Animal corridors and Marine in Kenya and East Africa by the CITES secretariat through the relevant committees.
6. We demand President Uhuru Kenyatta to reinstate NEMA (EIA Levy), push Kenya parliament to establish a minimum Environmental Assessment Charge and its increment from (0.1 % to 5%) a standardized total project cost.
7. We demand the National Assembly to review and Fasttrack the environmental impact assessment and Audit amendment regulation 2016 , gazette on 19 th August 2016 via special gazette supplement no 137I
8. We demand the fastracking of two interrelated Bills 1. The Wildlife Conservation and Management (Amendment) Bill ( Senate Bills No.4 of 2019) a bill stuck before Senate Committees on land ,environment and natural resources awaiting second reading.
9. We call for a uniformed coherent Public Participation Bills- (Senate Bill No.4 of 2018) Public Participation Bill-(National Assembly) Bill No 69 of 2019 and the Public Participation Bill No.79 of 2019.
10. That the above bills seek to provide framework for Public Participation, defining parameters of accessing public participation effectiveness, the obligations of state organs and public offices, creating effective community participation in decision making processes.
Dated this 23Day of February, 2021.
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