eBay, Ban The Sale of ANY Ivory On Your Sites

  • af: Amy Heggie
  • mottagare: John Donahoe, president and CEO of eBay Inc.

African Elephants are in trouble. Poaching for ivory has cost the lives of well over 100,000 elephants in just the last decade. The ivory trade is very profitable and thriving. Ivory poached from these magnificent animals ends up in carving factories in China and is then sold as trinkets and jewellery. 

Recently, an interent trade site in New Zeland banned the sale of ivory products. Let's plug up another hole by asking eBay to do the same. 

All ivory sales must be banned. many vendors say they're selling 'antique' ivory but there is only their say so to prove it. 

Together we can put the squeeze on the ivory industry and, bit by bit , we can stop it.

Please sign.

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