Balloon Releases Kill Wildlife ... Urge Lawmakers to Outlaw this Barbaric Practice.

  • af: Kathlene Russell
  • mottagare: The United States Congress / The Legislature of the State of Pennsylvania

Beach litter surveys show that the amount of balloon litter found on beaches has tripled in the past ten years - tripled. And this deadly litter is responsible for countless deaths of birds, cows, dogs, sheep and tortoises on land and dolphins, whales and sea turtles in marine areas. The animals usually die when they mistake the balloon for food and it blocks their digestive tract... slowly starving them to death. Horrible. Others die when they become entangled in ribbons or strings connected to the balloons and cannot free themselves. Equally horrible.

I lost my 22 year old son and I really understand the desire to remember loved ones .. sending a balloon skyward seems a beautiful way to do that... beautiful but DEADLY. Our loved ones would not want to be remembered at the expense of innocent animals or our environment.

Please sign this petition and pledge to help stop balloon releases... when you see it.. say something.

In the words of Valerie from France (one of our signers, below), "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who look without doing anything!"

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