CONVICT Michael Anthony Trudeau of Felony Domestic Assault and Felony Animal Cruelty

  • af: MN Humane Agent
  • mottagare: Carver County (Minnesota) Attorney Mark Metz

The link between physical abuse of animals and physical abuse of people is strong. Many of those who commit domestic violence have abused pets in the past. Often, severe abuse of a pet is used to intimidate and scare the victim of domestic violence.

Help us stop violence against women and pets by raising public awareness of the link between pet abuse and domestic violence by signing this petition.

The details of the terrible and severe domestic assault are horrific. We wish to protect the victim from sharing those here, but briefly, according to the criminal complaint, in January 2015, Michael Anthony Trudeau repeatedly punched, choked, eye gouged and threatened to kill his girlfriend.


Three weeks earlier the details of what Trudeau allegedly did to his girlfriend's cat are also horiific: Mr. Trudeau lit the cat on fire. When the fire went out, he choked the cat to death with his bare hands until it died. He then got a pair of scissors and cut off the cat's head. He did this, he claimed, to show here what he could do to her.

Prosecutors and Courts must take animal abuse and cruelty seriously and prosecute all those who harm animals, because perpetrators of domestic abuse often start with pets.
Mr. Trudeau needs to be put away where he can't harm anyone anymore, and people must be made aware of the terrible link between violence to pets and violence to people.

The entire criminal complaint in State of Minnesota v. Michael Anthony Trudeau, District Court Case No. 10-CR-15-83, can be seen on the website of the Minnesota Federated Humane Societies,

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