Ban animal exportation

    Australians may think of themselves as animal lovers, yet our laws allow many animals to suffer a lifetime of cruelty in the name of profit.

    We are well behind world's best practice in this area, particularly Europe.

    Here, millions of farmed animals such as pigs or chickens are still confined in restrictive cages that prevent them from moving, caring for their young, or acting out their innate instincts. They are forced to endure painful procedures such as de-beaking and castration.

    Even companion animals like dogs are farmed en masse in cruel puppy farms and backyard breeding facilities to supply cheap puppies to pet shops and through classifieds. Dogs are kept in filthy conditions, bred continuously and then discarded.

    Australia is the largest exporter of animals for slaughter; it sends 4 million live sheep to the Middle East every year. There is no question that this practice is cruel.
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