United Airlines: Pay Vet Bills for Dog Injured While Travelling!

I used United Airlines' "PetSafe" animal shipping service to transport my greyhound Sedona and cat Alika while I moved from San Diego to Boston in July.

During my trip, I saw United employees kicking Sedona's crate to move it around, and both of my pets sat outside in 94F weather for over 45 minutes during our stop in Houston. PetSafe promises to limit pets' exposure to over 85F temperatures to 45 minutes or less.

When I reunited with Sedona in Boston, she was nearly dead. The crate and bedding were filled with blood, urine, and feces.

Sedona had to spend three days in the intensive care unit, and the vet told me that she was suffering from heat stroke, severe dehydration, a urinary tract infection, and failing kidneys and liver.

When I contacted United, the airline claimed that Sedona had a pre-existing condition and offered to pay me only a portion of her vet bills -- but Sedona had just received a clean bill of health from our vet back home. When I started telling my story, United finally offered to pay the full $2,700 in vet bills, but only if I signed a non-disclosure agreement.

I'm appalled that United Airlines would try to buy my silence, and as a pet owner I feel that I have a responsibility to alert the public to this extreme negligence. I'm not going to let United sweep this under the rug, but I think it's only fair for United to pay the $2,700 I was forced to spend on Sedona's lifesaving treatment.

Please sign the petition to demand that United Airlines pay Sedona's vet bills without forcing me to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

We are writing in regards to a United Airlines customer who used your "PetSafe" animal shipping service to transport her greyhound and other pets while she moved from San Diego to Boston in July.

We understand that United employees were seen kicking her greyhound's crate to move it around, and her pets sat outside in 94F weather for over 45 minutes during a stop in Houston. Petsafe promises to limit pets' exposure to over 85F temperatures to 45 minutes or less.

When the owner reunited with her greyhound, her crate and bedding were filled with blood, and she was urinating and defecating blood from the effects of heat stroke.

United claimed that the greyhound had a pre-existing condition, but the customer assured that her vet gave a clean bill of health before travelling. Eventually, the airline offered to pay the $2,700 vet bills, but only if the customer signed a non-disclosure agreement.

We believe that this customer has the right to warn other pet owners about her experience with PetSafe in addition to receiving full reimbursement for her pet's trauma. We respectfully urge you to grant this customer full reimbursement whether or not she tells others about her experience. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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