Demand that Shelters in Florida Screen Potential Adopters To Prevent Future Abuse

  • af: SUE LEE
  • mottagare: Florida State’s Attorney’s Office and Animal Shelters

A man in St. James City, Florida adopted a dog that he later killed. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to encourage shelters to screen potential adopters better so that a pet is not placed in a home like this guy who eventually succeeded in killing his “beloved pet.”

There should be a better protocol followed when adopting out pets from shelters like the Lee County Domestic Animal Services. Mr. Galen Aune is a 39-year old guy who went in last July to adopt a dog and went home with a sweet, female-mixed hound named Nelly. She wasn’t even two years old. Neighbors of the man said they said the dog quite often on his property, often with the man chasing and abusing her. Some witnessed him pick her up by her ears and throw her and punching her at times but no one reported the abuse, until it was too late.

When officials were finally alerted about the animal abuse, confronting Mr. Aune, all he said about the dog was "Oh, not a problem anymore the dog is dead. I killed it." He continued with his reasoning as to why by saying "I know pitbulls, they are all about body language. She just looked at me funny and showed bad energy. I had to do something about it, for my health." He used a pick axe to the head of the poor animal, causing trauma to the brain.

After signing surrender forms, the shelter took possession of the carcass. They later found that Mr. Aune’s dad stated he had been developing anger issues recently. Really? Although the Lee County Domestic Animal Services does a criminal background check, they do not leap into mental issues and personal backgrounds as far as a person’s capability in caring for an animal. This guy is being charged with a misdemeanor although it should clearly be at least a felony! Either way, it does not bring back the sweet, young Nelly who did nothing to deserve this with such a violent owner.

Not only should these shelters step up their protocol regarding potential adoptees, people who witness any type of abuse should report their findings immediately. If both occurred, Nelly might still be with us today, possibly in a better home away from this monster. A man in St. James City, Florida adopted a dog that he later killed. Please sign and share this petition in an effort to encourage shelters to screen potential adopters better so that a pet is not placed in a home like this guy who eventually succeeded in killing his “beloved pet.”

Florida State’s Attorney’s Office and Animal Shelters – You do such wonderful work taking in and caring for pets that are otherwise homeless, sick and unsocial. Because of your efforts, these pets find a permanent place in life. However, something went terribly wrong when adopting Nelly out to Mr. Aune. Please reconsider your investigative protocol so that you can look deep into the life of potential adopters and ensure they make a perfect fit. It may involve talking to other family members, any health background, military issues, criminal backgrounds and so much more that would hinder the proper life of one of your animals. This was such an unfortunate situation for this poor animal. Something must change so this does not happen again. Gain justice for Nelly and let’s not repeat such a horrific occurrence.

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