Justice for the Dog Dragged Behind an SUV in Honolulu

  • af: Erin M
  • mottagare: Honolulu Police Department
Imagine watching in horror as the car in front of you drives off dragging the dog behind it. What could and would you do?

It was a question many faced last month in Honolulu when motorists noticed a woman with a dog leashed to the back of her SUV. The footage was all caught on tape. In it, you can see the helpless dog sliding across the pavement with no way to escape.

Finally, other motorists convinced her to stop. The car pauses and the dog stands up and limps. No one knows just how injured the dog was.

That is not the only thing we don't know. The woman's identity, despite the car having been filmed and seen by several onlookers, has yet to be identified and thus no one knows if this is a case of blatant animal abuse or a tragic accident.

The Honolulu Police Department should take this case seriously and use the video and witnesses at their disposal to find and fully investigate what happened. If this dog was abused on purpose, the driver should be charged with animal cruelty. It's as simple as that.

Please sign the petition and ask HPD to do whatever it takes to find out what happened in the case of the poor dragged dog of Honolulu.
Opdater #17 år siden
We have been updated by Hawaiian Humane Society that the Honolulu Police Department has investigated the incident and found that it was an accident. The dog received immediate veterinary care and has since recovered.
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