After the debate, the media can no longer ignore Trump's mental decline

The debate made it clear -- Donald Trump is losing it, and his mental decline can no longer be ignored. His answers were rambling and incoherent. He mixed up and made up names (Abdul?). He is dangerously detached from reality, and putting him back in the White House would put the nation in grave peril.

And yet, most mainstream media sources seem incapable of saying this.

Instead, they dance around the elephant in the room, use euphemisms, and edit and "sane-wash" Trump's words so they seem not so crazy.

This has to end, and it has to end now. Reporters need to stop normalizing Trump's behavior, and admit there is a big, big problem. Tens of millions of us already see it, but tens of millions more have just started paying attention to the campaign.

But it's just a matter of weeks until Election Day, and people need to know what's at stake when they vote. And this can only happen if reporters actually report the facts.

Sign on now: Tell the Media to stop ignoring Trump's mental decline and start reporting on it now.

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