Stop the Cruelty at Butterball Farms!

Mercy for Animals just released a video showing horrible animal cruelty that has been taking place at five Butterball turkey farms in North Carolina. Butterball is the biggest turkey producer in the untry.

The video shows turkeys being kicked and stomped on, slammed into cages, dragged by their wings and necks, and left to suffer. Turkeys are usually able to fly, quick, and well-coordinated, but Butterball has bred their turkeys to grow so much at such an accelerated pace that not only can they not fly, but they also suffer from foot and leg deformities, heart attacks, bone defects, hip joint lesions, and many other health problems. 

This is unacceptable. Please tell Butterball Farms to address these animal cruelty issues and to adopt an animal cruelty policy immediately! 

Dear Butterball Farms,

Recently, MFA (Mercy for Animals) released footage of Butterball employees dragging birds by their wings and necks, slamming them into cages, and kicking and stomping on them -- then leaving them to suffer. Not only that, but Butterball breeds these birds to grow so big at such an unnatural pace that they often suffer from painful health problems like bone defects, hip joint lesions, foot and leg deformities, and heart attacks, along with many others.

This is unacceptable. Please adopt a good animal cruelty policy and address all of these issues.

Thank you for your time.

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