Are you aware that the company "Almay" test on animals? Have you seen the pictures of the poor innocent animals that are being tortured so you can look pretty? If you have not, you can go visit the company and where they test their products. You can even do a search on the internet and see these poor sad faces. Just think of all the innocent animals that are killed for your make up. The people here that have signed this petition are asking for you to do something. Either stop endorsing this company or asking them to find a better way to test their products. We all here are very caring about all animals. Here is a link to the companies that do test on animals. As you will see that Almay it at the beginning of the long list. Carrie, I know that you are an animal lover. What if they were to do testing on your beloved animals? Please stop endorsing this company.
Opdater #110 år siden
Thank you to everyone who has signed, shared, and re-posted. We are almost at the goal number. Keep up the good work. We need to put a stop to this. I know there are more companies that test on animals. But if we get them one at a time and name names, then maybe this just might work.