Save Canada’s Wild Boars!

  • af: Nicole Corrado
  • mottagare: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Quebec Minister of Wildlife, other provincial ministries, Parks Canada

A wild pig was killed and fed to poor people in Quebec recently, and the province is now trying to kill their mate!  Canadian provinces hire hunters to chase wild boars and lost pet pigs with drones, and then shoot them.  They don't always die right way.

Travis McGee, a hunter hired by the Ontario government to shoot escaped pigs, brags about injuring pigs and carrying away their dead bodies.

Wild boars are banned in Ontario as an "invasive" species.  Under the Invasive Species Act, it is illegal as of 2024 for anyone, including a sanctuary who spays and neuters all their animals, to keep wild boars, which include domestic pigs who are wild hybrids.  

During 2021, in Pickering, just outside of Toronto, there had been sightings of about 14 wild boars who have escaped from a farm or roadside zoo. Wild Boar are native to Europe and Asia; none live wild in Canada. The Ministry of Natural Resources live captured and killed every one of the animals in 2021, likely by gunshot or bolt pistol (which knocks the animals in the head).  Their bodies were then sent to labs for experiments.  Killing animals and sending them to labs is just cruel.  

We would like the Ministry of Natural Resources to bring all wild boars to a farm sanctuary, rather than kill them, or return them to their "owners".  

We would like farm sanctuaries, vet clinics, wildlife rehabs, and animal shelters to be exempt from the ban on wild boars that comes into effect January 1, 2024.  Farm sanctuaries and animal shelters spay and neuter the animals, and farm sanctuaries never sell, breed, slaughter, or trade animals.  

We would like the provincial killing programs to end, and switch to a humane capture, neuter, and adopt program.

We definitely agree with the boar hunting ban that came into effect January 1, 2022.

Zoos and non native wildlife in captivity are not regulated in Ontario. We would like legislation put into place for a ban on native and non native wildlife in labs, meat farms, and fur/leather farms, a ban exemption, permit, and regulation on animal shelters, wildlife rehabs, vet clinics, and sanctuaries, and a permit and regulation on zoos.  

Contraceptives are so effective, hunters want them banned because it takes away their excuse to hunt the wild boars.

Contraception exists for boars and a vaccine against African Swine Fever is being developed.

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