• af: Jane Hops
  • mottagare: Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and Government Vets in Cairo

UPDATE: THANK YOU.  You have helped us surpass our goal of 3000 signatures!!  We will now print and pass this along to the authorities.  Please keep signing and sharing however to show your support in closing down this scam charity.  Thank you.

PLEASE SIGN & SHARE this petition to close down the hell-hole that is “The Egypt Horse Project” in Cairo. The Founder, an inexperienced Australian girl and Egyptian animal activists are allowing non specialised vets to amputate the limbs of equines they have supposedly rescued. If that isn’t horrific enough, the conditions the horses, donkeys and numerous dogs and cats live in is appalling! They go without food for days on end, are stabled with no bedding, standing for hours in pools of urine and do not have regular access to water. PLEASE look at the photographs on The Egypt Horse Project – Questions and Answers (link below) for the REAL conditions and story.

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