Animal abuse continues to go unchecked in the state of Mississippi, County of Chickasaw.......even after the people of Mississippi passed laws to prosecute violators. On one heart breaking occurrence, a beautiful sweet chocolate lab belonging to my elderly neighbor was shot eight times with a small caliber rifle. I overheard a young man telling how the man who shot this lab was laughing and said"Damn, that dog just layed there and took it." I nursed this poor sweet dog back to health only to have him deliberately run down by a pickup truck that crossed the center line of the highway to hit him. There was a witness, though, who saw what that man did. County Law Enforcement was called....the man admitted to the officers of hitting the dog saying it was an accident.(This same man is known for doing this same accident to 3 other dogs on 3 different occasions.) And that was the extent of the investigation. I know these things are hard to believe, but they did happen. Hershey had no one to properly watch after him. Negligence on the part of the owner does not excuse the deliberate act of cruelty that ended his life. Please help by signing the petition and give Hershey his justice. The people of Mississippi passed laws against this abuse.
Please help to encourage our law enforcement to take a strong stand against animal cruelty.
Animal abuse and Criminal Activity go hand in hand in communities.
Help the people of Chickasaw County to encourage Law Enforcement to become educated in the procedures and steps of investigating and prosecuting acts of violence against animals.
With your voice, We can be us break the cycle of indifference in the state of Mississippi.
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