URGE: Stop Cruel Elephant Acts in Atlanta, Ga.

  • af: Barbara Peterlin
  • mottagare: PeTA2 and Annie Leal, Sr. Youth Campaigns Coordinator

Please tell UniverSoul at Turner Field in Atlanta, Ga. to stop these cruel elephant acts because the handler with the circus inserted a bullhook into an elephant's mouth. The bullhooks are sharp metal weapons that are used to cause pain and instill fear in captive elephants.  Someone was a witness. 

Many thanks for my champaign for the Elephant Acts at Turner Field in Atlanta, Ga.   I am very.happy that it is over 1000 signatures that it is my first time.  I very much appreciated it.

Opdater #210 år siden
Thank you very very much for signing my champaigns. Here is over 1,500 signatures so I am very happy that you had helped me with my champaign. It is my appreciation to you!
Opdater #110 år siden
Thank you very much for signing my champaign for the Elephant Acts at Turner Field in Atlanta, Ga. I very much appreciated it. It is my first time when there are over 1,000 signatures.
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